Trucker youth gay rape porn story

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Ottawa police said in a media release that they have 13 investigations underway and that they are making progress on the 'desecration of the War Monument.' No further details were given on what the weapon was. On Sunday, a 37-year-old Ottawa man was charged with carrying a weapon to a public meeting. Police didn't specify what the mischief entailed, but said they waited to make an arrest at the time in order to avoid 'a larger confrontation.' Ottawa police announced Tuesday night that two people were arrested and charged in connection with incidents that took place at the demonstration over the weekend.Ī 29-year-old Ottawa man was charged for allegedly causing mischief to property on Saturday. WARNING: This story contains content that may be offensiveĬrowds are thinning on Parliament Hill, but a lingering cohort of protesters has vowed to stay the course as the trucker protest neared the end of a fourth day in Ottawa, despite condemnations, calls to go home, and arrests.Īlthough some members of the protest convoy arrived in the city on Friday, snarling downtown traffic, the main rally took place on the Hill Saturday and some protesters have remained in the area since.

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